Ban request on ☢{S}cott☢
Name of player: ☢{S}cott☢

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:53049615

Time in GMT: Roughly 5:20-5:45AM GMT (UK) time.

Server: v2d

First of all we're driving round the city and then I see a guy with a vending machine so I yell "Watch out" to everyone. They turn round but by the time they did that it was too late. Soon after doing this about 5 mins he switched to cop and RDMed everyone including Lesley Chow etc.

Basically starts RDMing everyone then prop pushing. Lesley Chow was being attacked when you see me looking at AstroCow's corpse and car and retaliates by killing him then tries getting the pres to demote him while NLR is in action as everyone else was there and they'd be protected. Needless to say it didn't work, he broke NLR. Hunted Lesley down and killed him (Hence why he said he had 20 health).

Evidence: I have a cut down video of about 10 - 20 minutes of it.
Two locations.

Messages In This Thread
Ban request on ☢{S}cott☢ - by TheMonsterMash - 09-29-2012, 07:56 AM
RE: Ban request on ☢{S}cott☢ - by Vauld - 10-02-2012, 05:44 AM

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