Ban request to: cchris100topher
Name of player: cchris100topher

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:38757294

Time in GMT: 22:50

Server: V33X

Summary: Ok. Cchris100topher first, be a President. As president, he do laws, ok, but he not do the rule who need repeat the laws. I sayed to he need repeat the laws, but nothing, after 5/8 minutes an 5/8 minutes. After a discussion with me, epicface and the rulebreaker, he is stayed Rage and RDM me. He is admitted the RDM. Look the evidence.

Evidence: :

Sorry but i dont find the fraps for download, i cannot get soo much evidence. But that screenshot is necessary for see the RDM admitting.

Messages In This Thread
Ban request to: cchris100topher - by iDeko - 05-10-2012, 01:59 AM
RE: Ban request to: cchris100topher - by beflok - 05-10-2012, 02:05 AM

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