Ban request: [FL:RP]LoopY[CSN]
The proof I have is what you can see, and as such I dont have proof that I didnt try to kill loopy.
The two sessions are about 10-15 minutes apart, and I werent trying to get revenge or something, merely trying to understand (I should have talken in ooc)

But on the subject, that I have no proof of me not trying to kill Loopy, if I should have had such, I would need to fraps every single minute og my fearless experience, and have it on youtube. Because otherwise you would just say that it was before the recordings.

So when saying that I tried to kill Loopy, and me saying that I didnt, is just 2 empty arguments.

"we asked you to leave", "I tried to warn you over mic", Then I warned you over mic, that I will shoot you if you go into our house"
- You didnt ask me to leave, from video 2 0.27-0.45, neither of you uttered a word.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ban request: minimacfox, [FL:RP]LoopY[CSN] - by TheSystemAntic - 04-11-2012, 03:51 PM
RE: Ban request: [FL:RP]LoopY[CSN] - by Holdem - 04-17-2012, 02:32 PM

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