Please, unban me, im sorry for what i did. (farmer bob)
Your name: (Steam friends name)

Your ban ID: 8517

Banned by: Killjoy


Involved: Me,Killjoy,Beflok and Caroline

Why we should unban you: Ok, i deserve a ban, maybe a week or so, but not a perm, i am sorry for the proppushing, and propkilling of caroline and building in nexus But. I swear on my life and soul, I do NOT Work with DDOS'rs, i have never worked with them, and never shall. Please unban me, when i said: " i will tell you name of a ddoser " i was not saying i worked with them, i was told the name by a freind , (hes not a ddoser ) and the ddoser went by the name of pro crasher, and has multiple steam accounts, the only one i knew was adam009, he deleteted that one though, but each account he has starts woth "adam" and finishes with a number. Please unban me!.

Messages In This Thread
Please, unban me, im sorry for what i did. (farmer bob) - by Farmer bob - 04-11-2012, 10:36 AM

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