Ban request on: Potato$team, Astrocow and Beer'n'Steak
1. We are not a criminal clan. We also occasionally role-play as members of the government, as demonstrated yesterday.
2. No rules were broken, the laws were followed. We did not even attack our enemies using these guns. We just shot the driver of a stolen vehicle and a police commander that had decided to randomly open fire on us.
3. This is probably a misunderstanding on your part, but anyway. No rules were broken during our RP as Special Services. We just changed our job names to something stupid like that so that all three of us would match. Prestigious is a group of rich business men slightly linked to the Mafia. Nothing in our clan prevents our members from being part of the government.


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RE: Ban request on: Potato$team, Astrocow and Beer'n'Steak - by AstroCow - 04-05-2012, 11:00 AM

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