Ban Request: Beer'n'steak + AstroCow
You were in our territory. We were in the middle of a clan war era. It was a really bad idea from the start to even hang around here.
I mean, in real life: If you enter "the hood", with a car like that & dressed like that, you can only expect to have it stolen and to be killed. Especially when wearing the clothes of our clan.

Also, you were the one who gave us the idea. When you said " I would like to buy a stolen banshee from you" or i do not know what other similar phrase. And, perhaps by looking at my character and the way he acted, you would of recognized the following description: Unhinged, Aggressive, Fearless.


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RE: Ban Request: Beer'n'steak + AstroCow - by AstroCow - 04-03-2012, 12:52 PM

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