Unban request DannyBoy
Your name: DannyBoy STEAM_0:0:47774980

Your ban ID: 8167 DannyBoy STEAM_0:0:47774980

Banned by: Soulripper

Server: rp_EvoCity v2d

Involved: Soulripper, [FL:RP] BretonSki (STEAM_0:0:31259911) and me.

Why we should unban you:

First, I'm not that good at English (my brother has helped me to write this, because he also caused this ban).
We were with the Corleone's upstairs in the Corleone's house when the Don said: Hey, who stole my money?!
BretonSki suddenly blamed me of stealing of the Don. A friend of mine (Mr. Ice) saw that is was BretonSki who stole
it and then we had a big discussion with the Don, Mr. Ice, Bretonski, Alexia (not a Corleone) and me. BretonSki kept
lying and I asked my brother to help me with writing that I was innocent. BretonSki said: hou je bek, zemmer (homo in Turkish)
and then my brother recognized that BretonSki is a Turkish Hollander. My brother has bad experiences with Turkisch people in
Holland and typed: "kk turk" (cancer Turkish) out of anger. Well, that is where the ban is for.

I know that it was typed with my name, but my brother typed it out of anger and yes it is racism, but not by me (player DannyBoy).

I hope that you now understand the situation and see that it is not me to blame.
Lost my signature Sad

Messages In This Thread
Unban request DannyBoy - by Dannyboy01 - 03-30-2012, 07:31 PM
RE: Unban request DannyBoy - by SoulRipper - 03-30-2012, 11:17 PM
RE: Unban request DannyBoy - by Killjoy - 03-30-2012, 11:26 PM

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