[DENIED] -.-'
Your name: Skaara Dreadlocks

Your SteamID: Well, you tell me..

Reason ban: Well i was in the apartments on an important "mission", and then Flue suddenly shows up and RDMs me with a crowbar.. I got furious about it causei couldnt go back when it was very important, so i went back and killed him BACK. Yea i know it wasnt smart, and i broke NLR. Well guess what. Under five minutes after that, I'm on the streets and Flue shows up with his *** crowbar and kills me again. And that was it. I went back to him and decided to knock him out so he wouldnt kill me, but the knockout bugged and killed him. So then he just called for s.J, and s.J banned ME and not him...
If Flue also get banned for 720 minutes, then I'm satisfied and do not want to be unbanned.
But if he's not being banned too, then i DO want to be unbanned. After all, He's the one that started it while I'M the one that gets banned for it. THAT is unfair.

Time: Today at midnight in Norwegian time

Why we should unban you: Fail-Treatment just because I'm not liked..

Messages In This Thread
[DENIED] -.-' - by Skaara Dreadlocks - 10-23-2010, 10:39 PM
RE: -.-' - by s.J. - 10-23-2010, 11:23 PM
RE: -.-' - by Skaara Dreadlocks - 10-23-2010, 11:38 PM
RE: -.-' - by s.J. - 10-24-2010, 12:03 AM
RE: -.-' - by Skaara Dreadlocks - 10-24-2010, 12:09 AM
RE: -.-' - by s.J. - 10-24-2010, 12:12 AM

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