1 day ban,why? Because of "FearRP"
This should be changed, server has unclear rules, that are making people making mistakes, EVEN if Faustie told me to read rules- I DID THAT BEFORE EVEN I STARTED PLAYING. Also no raiding the president if taxes are too high? This is really BS rule, it should be:

"8. Do not raid the president if taxes are lower than 25$".

Why it should be like that? Because Corleones and Rebels have nothing else to do... Just making contraband, growing weed, etc? Which other reason I need to have to raid? LAWS? If president is making good laws, but doesn't explain why taxes are high, then we should be able to raid... Other than that: Rebels and Corleones have NOTHING TO DO... Just growing weed, making contraband, money printers, then keep hiding them from police??? Really, give me a break... They can't even raid people for money, which can be good idea of being a money thief, you come to one guy and say: "Give me 300$ or you will die!". THIS will improve RP so much, because this will force player to follow FEAR RP... If police will be around and see this, they can arrest a thief. Of course money you can steal is maximum 300-500$.

This is bullcrap (excuse me for language). This is unfair to players, I saw a lot of admins that did fail RP (I am not going to point out who was it), also I got a ban in history when admin banned ME for bad language, when like 10 police officers keep tazing me for no reason.

Messages In This Thread
1 day ban,why? Because of "FearRP" - by Jacob1029 - 03-22-2012, 09:42 PM
RE: 1 day ban,why? Because of "FearRP" - by Zamar - 03-23-2012, 03:45 PM
RE: 1 day ban,why? Because of "FearRP" - by Eggtooth - 03-23-2012, 03:53 PM

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