Ban request on Dark Squirrel - Plenty of rules broke
Name of player: Dark Squirrel

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:20418557

Time in GMT: 17:25

Server: rp_evocity_v2d

Well this guy was a Rebel Leader and was camping in the Nexus prison with a m4 and letting people out. After seeing plenty of people getting out, I decided to take a look in the prison,
I saw defences in there, but they were built by a Rebel Leader, so I asked about this, which you can see on the video and he told me that he won't remove them,
because he would lose his other stuff, but later in the end of the video you can see that he has them removed.
So... Then I saw the fading door toggling on and off and I decided to run in, and noticed no one was opening it with buttons or anything. Next thing I know this guy has closed himself inside one of the cells and shoots me.
Then I killed him and he tells that he have had them there for a longer time, couple hours, as you can hear on the video.

So basically, he broke following rules:

-A Non-Government official has built contraptions / defences in Nexus
-Keypad abuse
-And pretty FailRP the whole situation, camping in a prison with guns letting people out and then blocking it from the government? And lying on chat that he "forgot" them there.

Evidence: The video clearly shows and tells everything:

Messages In This Thread
Ban request on Dark Squirrel - Plenty of rules broke - by Nasu - 03-20-2012, 09:26 PM

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