Banned with no warning, Please help
I love the Fearless server, i melted just over 10 hours into it in just 2 or 3 days, i was just getting on my feet. after many times of being robbed, i was told i should set up a door with a keypad to enter as this is secure and not against the rules. i set up this room with a fading door, i was just looking up on how to add a key pad to make it conform with the rules, before i could do it someone said "prop block, remove it now" i replied with "ok i was just figuring out the keypad but ill delete everything" as i was removing all of my props as asked i was kicked with out 5 seconds to finish, i believe this was unfair as i was not given enough time to remove my actions, please accept me back into the fearless community and i will conform to all of the ruels without fail Smile

thanks for your time, warren

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Banned with no warning, Please help - by warren631 - 03-17-2012, 11:04 PM

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