[Unoffical] [Pas] Penguin Racing Team
Looking for a team that you can race with ? or wonder around with cars, make convoys and more! here is the classes :

Class A:
BMW - Corvette - Lambo - Banshee

Class B:
Ferrari - Supra - Comet - Lotus - Mustang

Class C:
Volvo - Hummer

Class D:
Citroen - Lokus - Golf GTI

Class E:
Golf MKII - Trabant

If you want to be member of this clan please reply with these informations :

Time you have played:
Your car:
In-Game name:
Number of Bans:
How much time do you spend online(in server):

When you filled i will approve or deny in approve you will get a clan tag! Have a nice Day RACERS!

Messages In This Thread
[Unoffical] [Pas] Penguin Racing Team - by TheBraveNugget - 03-17-2012, 10:15 PM

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