The Pulse: Community Catch Up | 2WC 4 Sept
(10-02-2023, 01:06 PM)Haarek Wrote:
(09-30-2023, 09:17 PM)Haarek Wrote: You would do better and save more time if you just reverted FL to what it was back in 2011.

(10-01-2023, 04:34 AM)Pollux Wrote: No, reverting for nostalgia has already been tried and resulted in almost nothing. The truth is you or anyone else doesn't miss FL because of its gamemode or similar back in the day, you miss being young with nothing better to do than play on the servers all day long. Reverting back to the old gamemode doesn't bring that feeling back, nothing ever will. Nostalgia can definitely be very strong, none of it is over the gamemode though. We're not going to make the same mistake and try cater to nostalgia again. To be completely blunt, those who wanted FL to never change should've played when they had the chance. We've only ever made major changes because we were forced to do so in order to keep FL going. Things change and we have to adapt to those changes, otherwise it slowly dies off as we've seen.

Thought I commend your deduction it simply is not true. Of course I miss being young - and I miss being on the server all day long - but that is not why I fell in love with FL. Before I joined FL I already had a 1000 hours on DarkRP servers, if my sole reason for playing FL was because I was young and had nothing better to do - I would've simply stayed on darkRP.

The reason FL was enticing back then is because it had an economy and marketplace that let you gradually progress. It gave you a serious reason to come back and a reason to grind, a reason to make money, and the police and other people were constantly trying to raid you. It was challenging.

This completely changed a while ago with the addition of more ways to make money. I have voiced my concern several times over the years but it has always fallen on deaf ears. And I would say the start of this dumbfound progression that started to destroy the economy was the mining update.

I even wrote about this several times on the forum - I even made documents underlining the issue.
You can read those concerns here:

The reason I say it is better to just revert completely to 2011, is because the likelihood of fixing problems like this with you as the leading director of this yacht is like expecting a spoiled kid to willingly share his toys—it's improbable and against the nature of the situation.

You're looking at the past with some rose-tinted glasses. I don't think there is much I can say if you believe FL in 2011 had a good economy and marketplace, that just isn't true but there also isn't any point in arguing about it. I saw your document during the economy overhaul and it ignores that not everyone wants to grind for money, some players would rather just roleplay with money being a secondary thing. Punishing those players removes any remaining "RP" aspect of FL, something which has been key to its success in the past. Dynamic economy was introduced to punish those who were only "min-max grinding" but did not go far enough to balance it effectively. Another issue with just making everything earn less money is that it ignores that most money-making methods aren't that much fun on FL. There really isn't a single thing FL had in the past that we'd want today, all changes were done with good reason and simply reverting ignores why we had to make those changes in the first place. If we didn't change anything, FL would've died long ago. FL never really had any long-term vision or plan beyond maintaining it, we've always only reacted to whatever is going on at the time and that resulted in us being unable to keep up

We're not trying to make any particular person "happy" or just going with whatever the most popular opinion. We only care about making changes that prioritise FLs sustainability and modernise key features as this lets us compete better in an extremely contested space. Everything we have planned is a result of experienced players figuring out what is wrong with our current approach and what we can change to improve. Some players, such as yourself, won't like the changes we're making. It's definitely interesting to have some players say we changed FL too much, while others say we didn't change enough. If anything it shows just how split the player base can be, and how impossible it is to try make everyone happy or even reach a compromise. We've already tried reverting things back, the only thing left is to go the other way.

If not reverting because you want to play on the old gamemode makes me a "spoiled kid", even though I'm not even the "leading director" as you claim (the management team leads FL, not just me), then so be it. Anyone who just wants a nostalgic experience is going to be extremely disappointed, I apologise but the past needs to stay in the past. Things have come a long way since 2011, it is much more productive to focus on the future than continue to argue about the past. While I appreciate you voicing your opinion, there isn't any compromise that can be made to make everyone happy.

EDIT: On a side note, there also won't be a pulse this week as we're trying to see if we can do something else instead.
Fearless Management

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RE: The Pulse: Community Catch Up | 2WC 4 Sept - by Pollux - 10-02-2023, 10:58 PM

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