The Ship
Rename the localconfig.vdf to localconfig_old.vdf


Exit Steam and go to the folder called C:\Program Files\Steam\ (this is the default location for a Steam installation - if you set a different installation directory, you will need to browse to it).

Delete all of the files in this folder except:

The \Steamapps\ folder and Steam.exe (this file is listed as an application and features the black and white Steam logo)

Restart your computer.

Then, launch Steam.exe from within the Steam installation folder, and not from a pre-existing shortcut.

I got this from
You can look through for any other solutions.

Messages In This Thread
The Ship - by ImperialSheep - 03-13-2012, 11:52 AM
RE: The Ship - by Caroline - 03-13-2012, 03:04 PM

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