Steam Name: Monsted

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:57510704

BanID: 83632

Ban Reason
11th ban in 100 hours, attempted RDM, last chance

Staff Member:  MasterNoda

Involved users
me and the dudes i tried to kill

Why should you be unbanned?
Your name: Monsted

Your ban ID: 83632

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:57510704

Reason: 11th ban in 100 hours, attempted RDM, last chance

Staff member who banned you: MasterNoda

Reason why you should be unbanned: (ive will be refering to the person i punched by dude because i dont remember his name) **Backstory** It all started when the dude pulled out a gun on me and told me to walk away. so i did and then i returned a few seconds later with a bat and punched him 1 time. then him and his buddys pulled out their pistols and began to shoot at me so i pulled out mine and returned fire but i ended up getting killed without killing any of them. **Backstory** So i dont see how it was attempted rdm. and further more 11th ban in 100 hours isint really a fear way of determening it because most of my bans are from many years ago when i was a little kid.


Messages In This Thread
Monsted - by Monsted - 10-17-2020, 08:23 PM

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