Unfair ban for powning the Goverment
Your Name: TDMOT|Toxic|

Your Ban ID: 7390

Banned By: PrivateToast

Server: v33x

Involved: TDMOT|Toxic|

Why we should unban you: Hi admins and everyone else.I got banned for Aimbot only cuz i killed a guy for a long distance and PrivateToast say its aimbot cuz he said it was behind the fence.Ok he maby was behind the fence and yes maby i shot him in the head but i shot under the fence on him and then i killed him ok maby you think i got aimbot PrivateToast but i have played Gmod in 4 years and i've been training my aiming and how to see guys very well but i saw hes feets so i aimed up a litle bit then i shot and i got him so you call that aimbot and yes i have used aimbot befor on another acc and i got vac banned so i never will use hack agin after that i told myself so dont go and tell me if i have aimbot cuz i know how it works and i will say this to everyone Use aimbot and you will get banned i dont like aimbot its for people that cant play and i dont wanna be acused for aimbot when i dont use it how do you think i feel geting

[Image: rp_evocity_v33x0024.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Unfair ban for powning the Goverment - by SkezZHD - 03-08-2012, 07:05 PM

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