What windows users do to macs... (including me)
Well I don't have any problems with Windows of course, but I can't stand the people raging against Mac for no particular reason. Obviously both things have their pro and cons, still most of the people who have no idea, because they never played around on a Mac longer than 5 minutes in the Apple Store, say it's bad. It's as good as any computer, it's probably better at some things and yes it may be quite expensive.

But look at cars for example, there are many good looking and overpriced cars, their engines are probably really good, but for the price of the car itself you could probably get a better engine and put it in a not so good looking car, or modify a different engine to be better as the one in the expensive car.
Still people buy the good looking and overprized, some because they like a complete package where everything is meant to be together and works perfectly like it is, without having to customize everything.
Dare to think!

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RE: What windows users do to macs... (including me) - by Nudelholz - 03-08-2012, 11:18 AM

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