Where did my other unban request go?
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Yeah, Nudel, Killjoy, ForceGhost, this is really based between SoulRipper, not you.

Also i do believe you Admins have no say in situations like this, as you lack the background story. Plus your assumptions of scamming, were not as you think.

They both conceived a plan, which took place in this way.

Dwex got Perma-banned from Fearless

After a perma-ban, apparently the user gets their inventory wiped, along with money, so it was Dwex's idea to ask his friend, Nightshade, to tell SoulRipper that he gifted Dwex a BMW, before he was banned, and he asked if he could keep the gift, and SoulRipper accepted.

This had broke Soul's trust with Nightshade apparently, but the one with the car, and the plot, Dwex, submitted a formal apology which allowed him to get no punishment, while Nightshade got Perma-Banned.

He was going to give him a chance, but apparently he decided to go with the Perma-Ban because Nightshade was "Immature" on the steam chat.

It has been a long time, about 2 months. I feel that he has learned his lesson, and he is such a good role-player and you never really gave him a chance, and he would like one to show he IS mature, and this time has been good for him, but he has suffered through the time, and is sorry.

User warned.
... because your this post is nothing more than an arrogant outburst, with nothing relevant to add to this appeal matter.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Where did my other unban request go? - by Nevy - 03-07-2012, 04:35 AM

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