Something i might never understand.
Yes, it's only a name but certain names in history are related to horrible events and acts. Which is the big problem in my opinion.

Everytime I am on the server and see somebody called "Adolf Hitler" or something like this, all I see is a child, who probably has no idea what that name really is connected to, all he probably knows is that it was some german guy who killed jews, RPing this guy. What I feel when I read this name is horror, because of this guy and his ideas more than 6.000.000 people died, I don't feel comfortable when I see a child RPing under the name of this guy, probably making fun of it and others thinking it's funny, maybe looking up some other mass murders to RP with their names.

There is probably one thing most of you don't think of, the average player here is probably around 12-15 years old, they are children, still learning things. I think we as the community have a responsibility for those children in showing them that there are certain borders in life of things which are to be made fun of and other things on which you should stay serious.
Yes, there are movies and other things e.g. in theaters where people make fun of nazis or others. Thing is, those people are adults, well aware of the history and everything linked to those characters/events.
Making fun of those things is appropriate to a certain extend as it does help people process things, but the 'funny' parts mostly ends in the end when you realize how serious it actually is.
This is something which never happens during RP, people play with the name of a mass murder or dictator without even knowing what actually happened or what it means to other people.

I don't see any possibility in somebody actually making 'good RP' as Adolf Hitler.
"Faustie was on the server today and RPed as Adolf Hitler, he was such a good President, build huge buildings where he burned black people and those chinese Taxi drivers - was just hilarious to RP in his cop team."


"Faustie was on the server today and RPed as Adolf Hitler, made some brilliant laws about integration of colored people into EvoCity and made a speech starting with "I have a dream..." afterwards, just a great President."

In either way, just very very wrong and inappropriate.

Just FYI, an admin should normally ask you to change your name when you name yourself something like 'Jack the Ripper', same thing applies to other names linked to horrible characters or events in history.

(03-05-2012, 05:27 PM)Sir Raffi Wrote: I suppose some people are more emotional than others.

I don't think this is about emotionality, more about being aware of characters and events in history, what they did and how it affected people, cultures, families.
Just because you couldn't care less about those things doesn't mean others don't. History has shown what happens when people have the 'f*ck all' - attitude, people looking away and not caring about things, just because it doesn't concern them directly - not a good thing.
Dare to think!

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RE: Something i might never understand. - by Nudelholz - 03-06-2012, 07:47 AM

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