Niko and thats_a_thicc_ass
Reported User(s): Niko and thats_a_thicc_ass

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:34971534

Date & Time (GMT): 13/5/20 @ Night GMT

Summary of the incident
I was sitting there AFK, I could hear my game in the background and I came back, seen I was being cuffed, and hit the record button. thats_a_thicc cuffed me and said, "You're being arrested for being a nonce" and then changed the reason to, "we found contraband in your base and we are going to have to arrest you for that sir" Note I had no props or anything identifying that I was basing there, other than my job, and my friend being Josh. They were targeting both him and I. They did not arrest me and left me there in cuffs, and then about 5-10 mins later came back and un-cuffed me.

thats_a_thicc_ass's steam ID is STEAM_0:0:178104462


Messages In This Thread
Niko and thats_a_thicc_ass - by dtaylor331 - 05-13-2020, 06:49 PM
RE: Niko and thats_a_thicc_ass - by Ducktard - 05-13-2020, 06:59 PM

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