(04-29-2020, 03:32 PM)Strange Neo Wrote: Hey everyone,

First of all, you should have been very certain that the car was his because it could have been someone elses car.
Also you should not chainsaw a car to the point where it starts to explode as you should have considered before that it might kill the people who were standing around the car including yourself. You should have known that there might be some people who don't take this the funny way, so your argument that you didn't know it would affect as many and people didn't have a problem with it was a bit of a careless act. After you died, you just disconnected the server what seems a bit akward to be me but regardless of that:

3.5 You must follow FearRP by acting afraid of threatening situations that affect your own or accomplices' lives. To initiate FearRP have a weapon out and give out orders (text or voice).

The rule specifically states that your life is also affected meaning that even someone who is very furious would not go beyond of damaging a car that heavily to point where it explodes and kills him. (Also considering that this is roleplay server and not real life which basically means that not all scenarios can apply.)

Therefore, I remain confident in that both the ban and blacklist were appropriate for your actions.
To start with, I didn't disconnect 'right after' the situation which I mentioned in my first explanation above, I didn't get the point why I should have been very certain that the car was his, there were 2 different people in it, he (Tawee) was not even there until the end of the situation and I thought that the car was theirs tho. I sure didn't check who the owner of the car was from the scoreboard(which nobody would do)... As the situation continued up to the point that I explained, I used the chainsaw with having the thought of the car wouldn't explode but just broke up as well as it would fit the roleplay that I was doing. Even if I knew it was going to explode, I couldn't know its ratio, how much damage it could cause and injure that many people. I'm sorry for them for the 3rd time I guess... 

The situation required me to use my chainsaw after all, as I also warned the guys who were inside of the car and around it by cutting the floor as you can see, and after all they all understood what I was going to do and even the guys who were in the car started to say 'no , please not...' and some arguments so on. Then I started cutting the car knowing that it would affect me but not kill me and the others around me.(I thought the guys around me weren't even gonna take a simple damage) I recently came back and last year when a car exploded, it only affected the driver and not even the passenger(I mean the passenger wouldn't die and only get some damage).

The rule also says if it is a threat for your accomplices' and your life, I had no accomplices and it was only me, FearRP wasn't initiated by someone in anyways so it means that's a minor breakage of that rule. I actually accept the fact that a weapons blacklist should be issued(if the guys around me haven't been injured, it wouldn't have been issued in my point of view as well but as I mentioned in the thread many of the people around enjoyed the situation, however, justice is justice.. Some could have not liked it at all as you said.)  but not a ban because it wasn't D/C to avoid a situation, which was stated for one of the reasons of my ban. And I can't even think of both of them being issued, like what the f*ck. You can clearly see there was only a minor breakage of FearRP, and misuse of my weapon because I killed the guys who were not involved to the situation without intension.

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Syntax - by Byra - 04-29-2020, 12:01 AM
RE: Syntax - by Tawee - 04-29-2020, 01:09 AM
RE: Syntax - by Byra - 04-29-2020, 09:52 AM
RE: Syntax - by Strange Neo - 04-29-2020, 03:32 PM
RE: Syntax - by Byra - 04-29-2020, 04:28 PM
RE: Syntax - by RedPanda - 04-30-2020, 06:18 PM

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