Where did my other unban request go?
User has been warned for this post. Reason: Using a too big picture/more than one in the signature
(03-03-2012, 03:48 PM)NightShade Wrote: NightShade

Its not on there anymore just some other idiot with same name.

SoulRipper as console

Both fearless

Me and Dwexx

Well considering my other un ban request wasn't denied it only vanished and I know I didn't delete it. I don't know how many times I have to say sorry to you soul ripper I just love your server so much and I eel lost without it. I am sorry for lieing to you Mr. Soul Ripper. I only wish for you to forgive my actions. I only made fun of your gullibility cause I felt cool but in reality i'm not. So please look deep down in your heart. Sad

Seriously you should just un ban him he is only a kid and has only been banned like twice counting this.

Dont post here - Next time it'll be a warning

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RE: Where did my other unban request go? - by DarkSider - 03-05-2012, 09:09 AM

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