Salamander - STEAM_0:1:21313439
Note that the ban expires in 20 hours. I' very much sorry for acting like a prick. But you're accusing me of things, and talking to me like I'm retarded. When there is no need for such things. I wanted to have a chat with a admin, to sort this out. Not like keeping me banned will do anything good.

To me it seems like a hostile action, as a result of being provoced. You have the power, so instead of sorting it out, even explaining slightly. You draw forth the ban hammer.

You have a very bad case. From my point of view, and If I was in the posession of the power, over you guys. I would instantly remove you administrator powers. Anyone administrating such great big servers, should not take action due to being provoced, when the server rules has not been broken.

Even a good explaination with proof or referances from the rules... Would be great. To this point, I've been sitting here, on a LAN not being able to play on the server I love, because I accidently provocted the wrong people, by ACCIDENT.

I am very sorry, as I said. For ruining the event. It was not intentional to cause harm to ANYONE.
Ofc, this is not my server, and I have no right to claim anything.
I understand this. But you have a system, to help players. This makes the server even better... But if you have to sit out 2 days of a 3 day ban, to get a sentence in responce, from an administrator that wasn't even the offender. Then well... Farg me.

I obide by your rules. I am nice to the people on the server. I do not understand why I'm banned. Seeing I am not threat to the server, or the quality.

If you decide to unban me... I would be very grateful to be able to enjoy your server once again. And I will try my best, my very very best, to drive more carefully.

Messages In This Thread
Salamander - STEAM_0:1:21313439 - by Dr.Oak - 03-02-2012, 07:35 PM
RE: Salamander - STEAM_0:1:21313439 - by Killjoy - 03-02-2012, 11:36 PM
RE: Salamander - STEAM_0:1:21313439 - by Dr.Oak - 03-03-2012, 12:55 PM
RE: Salamander - STEAM_0:1:21313439 - by Killjoy - 03-03-2012, 07:57 PM
RE: Salamander - STEAM_0:1:21313439 - by Dr.Oak - 03-03-2012, 08:18 PM

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