Salamander - STEAM_0:1:21313439
Your name: Salamander

Your ban ID: 7169

Banned by: [FL] Faustie

Server: Both.

Involved: A Corleone member, the one I was RPing with. Faustie and His RP Partners.

Why we should unban you:

I recently started playing both Garry's mod and on your servers. But have spent all my current hours on your servers. I've got few friends that got me to buy the game and invited me to come play.
I found the CityRP mod very amusing, after roleplaying on games like WoW for years.

Alright... To the important part.

Me and my newfound friends, a member of the corleone family. Decided to try to hostage a cop. We succesed. The cop was tied up but didn't pay up. So he ended up in dying after 5-10mins.
We decided we needed to strike fear into the city, so people knew we ment business (ofc RP). My newfound friend and I made a bullet proof plan. Throw a molotov into the Nexus and then make a dash for the lake. I was the drive away car. Little did I know, when I was trying to leave town, that the exit from the city were completely blocked. I couldn't drive thru. With the danger of getting caught I do a "U Turn" and head for the slum apartments to hide out. Suddenly when I drive, fog hits my windshield making it hard to see much. Little did I know. In this fog, was several players Roleplaying something. Right there, in the middle of the road.... I hit them by accident and get instantly frozen by an administrator. He deleted / Removes the car. And says "So i guess you knew what you were doing"... I tried to talk to him, but he wouldn't respond to my apologies or anything. I explained that it was their fault for being in the middle of the road, and that I couldn't see them.

*BOOM* instantly banned

As it says in the rules. If you're in the middle of the road and someone hits you, it's your fault... In my opinion and understanding of your rules and limitations, Faustie is in the wrong.

I would very much like to express myself vocally to anyone. Seeing my request to talk to the admin that banned me was completely ignored.

Messages In This Thread
Salamander - STEAM_0:1:21313439 - by Dr.Oak - 03-02-2012, 07:35 PM
RE: Salamander - STEAM_0:1:21313439 - by Killjoy - 03-02-2012, 11:36 PM
RE: Salamander - STEAM_0:1:21313439 - by Dr.Oak - 03-03-2012, 12:55 PM
RE: Salamander - STEAM_0:1:21313439 - by Killjoy - 03-03-2012, 07:57 PM
RE: Salamander - STEAM_0:1:21313439 - by Dr.Oak - 03-03-2012, 08:18 PM

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