Reported User(s): Elvislives

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:60481863

Date & Time (GMT): 30/08/19 @ 19.40 GMT

Summary of the incident

I was 10-7 RPing as SRU and i managed to get my car stuck in the alley by slums.  I was trying to drive my car out to no avail.. As i left my vehicle to assess the situation of how im going to get my car free from the alley a firetruck veered directly towards myself and another individual who was communicating with me at the time.  

It was blatant CDM as you can see the fireman veer straight for the individual once he came into view, I then fired shots at the fireman seeing his reckless intentions.  After realising the fireman was no longer a threat to me (For now) i held fire and started communicating to him via voice chat (i'd like to note that for some reason my microphone isn't being captured by my shadowplay.. Apologies about that, but it's pretty blatant of the offense anyways)

After that, the fireman communicated that he was going to ram my vehicle to free it, but i continued to say no via voice chat.  He then kept revving his engine moving slowly towards a citizen who was standing infront of my car - After numerous verbal commands to back up, another officer arrived and we both drew our weapons and commanded the fireman via voice and text to back up or lethal force would be used.  He then backed up and CDMd an officer and attempted to CDM me. 

He then drove off, without contacting EMS to the people he had run over


WITHIN 60-90 Seconds after driving off, the fireman then changed job to Vice president and demoted me as SRU without reason - Please see evidence attached

(Note:  I know there is going to be a question pop up as to why the video is cut.. That is simply because i had online banking open in my steam browser and my shadowplay picked that up in the recording)




Messages In This Thread
Elvislives - by H. Waters - 08-30-2019, 07:28 PM
RE: Elvislives - by RedPanda - 08-31-2019, 12:04 AM
RE: Elvislives - by Ranger - 08-31-2019, 12:06 AM

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