(dont know where to put this) why cant admins use toolgun on player/car?
The reason that this rule is in place is quite simple.

From what I experienced admins coloured/materialized their car and other peoples cars with something they think look good. There are cases in which it looks good yes, but in the majority of the cases it looks like crap.

I saw admins color their car with materials which made it look like a tank from the future plus the material was in the completely wrong spot e.g. on the tires and windows it looked really weird and didn't fit any style of RP at all. It just looked really wrong, still the admin was in the believe it would look awesome.
Not only was I the one thinking it was bad, I got many complaints at that time from players saying the admins keep coloring their cars in weird styles etc. It ended with us restricting it.

I never thought of something like colouring somebody as a 'bigfoot' or similar. It is probably a quite good idea but I reckon your model will NEVER look anything close to a bigfoot or so, another question is whether that fits semi-serious RP anyway.
Dare to think!

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RE: (dont know where to put this) why cant admins use toolgun on player/car? - by Nudelholz - 03-01-2012, 09:24 AM

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