Hi sirnarc, how did I just know this wasn't going to be the end of this situation...

1) Being a realist, I and all other members of the staff team realise discord is a very popular way of communicating. Unless they specifically used discord to give themselves an IG advantage in some way then I will take it further. However they're just talking, which is fine.

2) It's fair enough that you feel like he deserves a warning, I didn't think you were going to have sleepless nights over it however since it is a valid point, I will talk to him privately.

3) "Player reports should only include one situation, unless the report is focused on one individual player." This will also be mentioned in the talk I will have with them, however this forum rule is probably for our benefit, so people like me don't have to look through 30 minutes of footage...

4) I will be giving turtle the benefit of the doubt as I did the same to you, I will happily punish both of you if that is what you would prefer. You shouldn't go out with security as it is a high risk, however usually I warn them in game and move them back. I do think you mention an important point however with the president, you can't go to president just to protect your friends casino. I will take this into account.

5) I wont take action, as I personally didn't take action upon it, knowing that the story wasn't probably as clear cut as turtle suggested.

6) Point noted about breaking rule 6.12

After review, I do think sirnarc makes a valid few point, little rule breakages mount to something a bit bigger. I will wait for Turtle to respond.

Messages In This Thread
Turtle - by S!RNARC - 07-20-2019, 12:39 PM
RE: Turtle - by Magnus - 07-20-2019, 01:54 PM
RE: Turtle - by turtlesnubs - 07-20-2019, 03:07 PM
RE: Turtle - by S!RNARC - 07-20-2019, 03:32 PM
RE: Turtle - by turtlesnubs - 07-20-2019, 03:56 PM
RE: Turtle - by Kippsee - 07-21-2019, 09:14 AM
RE: Turtle - by S!RNARC - 07-21-2019, 01:13 PM
RE: Turtle - by Kippsee - 07-21-2019, 03:11 PM

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