Suggestion: Death / Defibrilator
This probably would be called under Serious-RP, but I am just going
To throw this idea out anyways.

So death, for normal users it is 30 Seconds and then they can respawn.

What if the time for death was set at: 3 Minutes?

The Paramedic could have a new addition, a Defibrilator:

[Image: defibrillator-paddles.gif]

And if they got to a dead user, they could revive him by using the Defibrilator, and it would allow the user to keep his weapons.

And instead of users losing their weapons right when they are killed, they would lose them after the 3 minutes.

Overall, by setting the death time to 3 Minutes, it would prevent Corleone members from breaking NLR in their suburbs, it would prevent Cops from going back to the place they died quickly, and a lot more, and by adding the Defibrilator It would create a more realistic job for Paramedics.

Messages In This Thread
Suggestion: Death / Defibrilator - by Nevy - 02-26-2012, 07:49 PM
RE: Suggestion: Death / Defibrilator - by Nevy - 02-26-2012, 09:13 PM
RE: Suggestion: Death / Defibrilator - by Nevy - 02-26-2012, 09:58 PM
RE: Suggestion: Death / Defibrilator - by Faustie - 02-27-2012, 02:59 AM

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