Steam Name: Kenzi

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:120565933

BanID: Below

Ban Reason
2xDA and CDM

Staff Member: Ghost, Awestruck, Siphon

Involved users
Just myself I guess

Why should you be unbanned?
Ban ID's: 81358, [b]81652, [b]81280[/b][/b]

As you know I have been caught DA'ing 2 times now. TBH Adam was not even me but IDK why he is under me as a DA. I was a DA of Attic Kush and £10 Cro. I have joined FL a couple years back, and it was my first server Ive ever played on, because of this I got a lot of bans early just getting used to the game. Ive sat out over a years worth of bans before finally getting perma banned. This is when I initially started double accounting. I obviously didnt do it to minge, in fact my DA accounts recieved less bans and I truly did try to reform. However, I got caught and banned. This is when I made a new account Attic Kush. This account, I was truly reformed, I tried to keep to myself and roleplayed quite a bit, you can probably tell this by the fact that I received an RPP. I know Ive broken a lot of rules in the past and I obviously knew that DA'ing was not allowed however it seemed like the only option at that point due to the length and severity of the ban. Im not here to say what I did was OK in any way, hence why I was not angry when I got caught, I was just angry that people still think that Im the same 13-14 year old who stacked up bans very long ago. 

I feel like everyone deserves more chances, In the end if I break any more rules I will be banned for like another 7 years so this will not affect negatively.  Before this gets insta denied like my other appeals have, may you please give me some time to respond to any comments you make before closing this thread. 

Thanks, £10 Cro, Attic Kush, Kenzi

Messages In This Thread
Kenzi - by Kenzi - 01-29-2019, 11:47 AM
RE: Kenzi - by User 12049 - 01-29-2019, 11:55 AM

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