John Jong
Steam Name: John Jong

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:14212289

BanID: 81643

Ban Reason

Staff Member: Ghostkiller

Involved users
Me, SpaghettiFTW as he was in the raid with me.

Why should you be unbanned?

Hello anyone reading this UBR,

First of all I did not hack and I know you have zero proof as you have said to me "Shadowplay your last few playing minutes" which I cant because I dont have shadow play setup, and its been hours since my ban. It is also your job as the banning admin to collect evidence not mine!

Another point is that I find it strange how the ban went from saying that you banned me ghost to now it saying console did (This can be seen in evidence 1.a and 1.b linked below). You cannot try and defend your self here that its some automated system or something because Captain Barry has recently permanently banned someone for the reason "ESP Hacks" yet this is still saying his name, very strange in my opinion. (Seen in evidence 2).

Lastly my final point is when this all happened it was a raid that was between the cops vs some "Gangsters" which was there job titles at the time, which was Grape and a few others, now the reason I mentioned grape is because I eventually killed him when he peaked a corner after the raid I ran away as I could hear them jump off the roof so I knew I was going to be rushed so I hid in the gazebo thing in park in hope that they dont find me which they did sadly which I also sprayed through the wall as I knew they were close and had found me since they were shooting at me which I believed did hit someone. I then saw they were all in a discord and decided to join and ask a few questions such as "Who did I kill" etc then it turned out to be Grape. Which ngl I was quite happy about Smile!

Also on the topic of the raid that happened on backstreet apartments a mere 10 mins before my ban, there job names were Gangster yet they had a fortified base stood there all with assault rifles just aiming down onto the road, now dont get my wrong a lot of people do this however not with the job title "Gangster" as IRL I dont think a gangster would be sat on a roof of an apartment building in a heavily fortified base with an assault rifle.

Now I will add just a tad more onto this about the fact I was banned with no evidence apart from the fact I killed grape, does this mean if you kill a staff member then your automatically a hacker?

Thank you for reading my UBR if you do have any questions feel free to leave them below,
Many Thanks,
John Jong.


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Messages In This Thread
John Jong - by John Jong - 12-27-2018, 06:04 PM
RE: John Jong - by a37 leader - 12-27-2018, 06:10 PM
RE: John Jong - by John Jong - 12-27-2018, 06:14 PM
RE: John Jong - by User 12049 - 12-27-2018, 06:19 PM

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