Reported User(s):

Reported User's SteamID: 76561198100921118

Date & Time (GMT): 16/12/18 @ 19:00 GMT

Summary of the incident
So i was sitting in my house waiting for my blacklist to wear off that i got like 2 years ago because i wanted to get back into playing fearless rp. i heard an explosion coming from a house across the lake and i went over to investigate knowing it was a police officer who i saw driving past not too long ago. I entered the house with my gun out preparing to help the officer i had my Gail out ready, i entered the unowned property with my gun out and checked all the rooms and i found the police officer destroying contraband, i tried using my mic, realizing that i forgot the chat key i quickly went into settings to see what the command was. he then tazed me and arrested me without a reason when he had to give a reason when he typed the command.

Clearly he his going around contra raiding for self-pleasure to boost his monetary status and he is abusing his powers as a police officer to get what he wants. i thought the fearless community would have improved since i last joined but being annoyed with a 15-minute wait just because this officer decided not to play by the rules is frustrating.

I do have video evidence however the footage seems to be corrupted because my hardrive it was recording on peaked its memory limit, im trying to fix it now

*************************I have to reply here because my account cant be activated
--- So you admit i had a gun out and you couldn't possibly have tazed me due to fear rp?

P.S i cannot activate this account because i lost my password to my old email account [email protected]  and it wont let me link my new account to my steam for verification. soulripper is impossible to get in touch with

refer to above

Messages In This Thread - by Vladdican - 12-16-2018, 10:26 AM

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