Pr Rolf Harris, Innocent Gamer
Can't help lag, FPS-wise and Network-wise. Wasn't trying to do this to be funny or on purpose its that everytime I tap W I go forward further than I should be and every single action is delayed due to the shocking state of driving in this game. I drive forward to where the Mercedes is and my car stops slow as fuck, the Mercedes some how flies ontop of me and I drive under it and then I angle to camera around to that car.

In the video you can see me hit W and D after eachother so I can pull off to the side of the road and my car bumps into the car with a small bit of force as I'm still semi-focused on the car behind me aswell as the area I'm going to pull into. At this point I think the cop is gonna arrest me for the smashing into dude's car (who was RPing as a Undercover cop himself) due to them loudly shouting so I decide to bolt till I reach the traffic lights where I consider maybe the "voice" icon above his head was due to him telling me to stop and get out. Rather than break fearRP I get out the car and he arrests me.

Only as he is shouting about me CDMing up close did I question him, originally thought he was talking about further up the road where I did hit someone and did /paramedic and waited with the guy however after seeing the footage it is apparent he was not talking about this incident but rather one I was not aware of.

I'm gonna bring up how you had this arrested guy positioned by the way because a gust of wind could've killed that guy, wouldn't need a light bump. The guy is in a tight wedge corner made up of a vehicle and a building (which are known to spontaneously kill players, let alone after being nudged slightly) and was a matter of time before something killed him there due to how players standing crushed in gaps between vehicles and the world almost always wind up dying by bug or by slight force (not pushing the blame but quite frankly with all the hours you have you should've atleast made some connection by now that having him standing in such a place heightens the chance of him dying by x2).

I accept that this person was killed as a result of my driving however the factors before should be taken into consideration: lag, input delay due to gamemode, how my attention was held by what had just happened and how the "victim" in this case was in such a position that he could've been killed by a player running up against the car let alone buggy vehicle with a lagging driver.

I personally think punishment would be pointless for this situation as it was a one off and immediately after this happened I put my car in my garage until I'm able to get better frames and ping, however if the OP feels a punishment should be given I think a vehicles blacklist would enough cover this - given how it wasn't purposefully done and how its maybe my third time playing the server in nearly two years.


Messages In This Thread
Pr Rolf Harris, Innocent Gamer - by _Enzyme_ - 12-04-2018, 06:09 PM
RE: Pr Rolf Harris, Innocent Gamer - by Deleted User - 12-04-2018, 06:35 PM
RE: Pr Rolf Harris, Innocent Gamer - by Deleted User - 12-04-2018, 11:39 PM
RE: Pr Rolf Harris, Innocent Gamer - by Eoin - 12-05-2018, 05:53 PM
RE: Pr Rolf Harris, Innocent Gamer - by Tomo - 12-06-2018, 05:44 PM

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