Report: [FL:RP] Sam, Jackie Chan Mah Niga, timomonkey, Girly Boy
Names of players and their SteamID:

[FL:RP] Sam                    <couldn't retrieve SteamID, will update if I get it>

Jackie Chan Mah Niga       STEAM_0:1:200615011

timomonkey                     STEAM_0:1:112491699

Girly Boy                         STEAM_0:0:419403894

If it helps, you got [FL:RP] Sam's profile picture at 0:58 on scoreboard

Time in GMT: cca 17:20 - 17:40  18.11.2018

Server: V4B1

Summary: [FL:RP] Sam and timomonkey broke FearRP, which is visible straight from parts 1 and 2 in video, even after I warned them.

Jackie Chan Mah Niga was intentionally CDMing minorities in city (blacks), which is visible in video at 1:44 in the fireman broadcast chat. He attempted to CDM us both here 0:17 and here 2:10 as he clearly drives on other side of road and turns towards us.

Girly Boy tried to RDM us as Gundealer and later disconnected to avoid roleplay situation at very end of video. Sound and video spasmed a little bit at end while I was saving recording from previous scene with timomonkey, and didn't know I'd still capture Girly Boy's chat disconnect message. Thankfully it's visible.

~ Equinox ~

Messages In This Thread
Report: [FL:RP] Sam, Jackie Chan Mah Niga, timomonkey, Girly Boy - by Equinox - 11-18-2018, 07:46 PM

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