[FL:RP] Reindator!
(11-11-2018, 03:43 PM)Predator! Wrote: 1 Can't press on the link  1 EDIT: Now I can.

2. The slope is a part of nexus and I count it as a tresspassing area. So why you telling us that I am corrupted?  

3 Arrests are In-Character, so why didn't you speak with the President or the Sergeant about it.

4 I had a situation with a prisoner and you were following me, while I brought him.

5 Also the president accepted it, for the reason "Tresspassing the slope", so why did he? Also for 10-15 minutes.

6 Tresspassing law or not, is it ok when you let someone inside the garage(or almost infront of the garage). No, totally not. You would arrest him.

7 Also permanent law 5.

EDIT 2,3: You asked what me "What he did he do" in the beginning and then where the desk secretary is? Why the second question, after I cuffed you? To show that you are an innocent and didn't follow me because you wanted to help him! Or why do you follow me?

2. You count it as a tresspasing area. I ran from Nexus Street to Nexus Garage - Access Ramp which wasn't against the law.
3. To be arrested you have to break a Law. You told me that I broke the law, which i didn't .
 It's hard to speak to the president "RBTN" when he disconnected within those 5 minutes.
4. I ran a little bit infront of you to be sure you saw me as i laughed.
5. As i said in 3. RBTN was leaving and gave 5 minutes in jail. Not 10 - 15 which you stated.
6. I wouldn't arrest someone in Nexus Garage - Access Ramp just because they ran up to me.

EDIT 2,3 just proves that you Metagamed. 
Like i said 4 i ran a bit infront of you since i was Typing instead of Using Voicecommunication.
You mean you arrested me because i wanted to free the man in prisoner outfit? You looked at my jobname Latin Gangster and assumed i was going to do something? So if i was a Citizien u had done nothing?

I ran infront of you just to type and be sure you saw it.
By curiousty i wondered what he had done.
My question was still unanswered and was the main reason i ran up to you.

Messages In This Thread
[FL:RP] Reindator! - by Younathan420 - 11-10-2018, 04:37 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Reindator! - by Predator! - 11-11-2018, 03:43 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Reindator! - by Younathan420 - 11-12-2018, 01:01 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Reindator! - by Predator! - 11-12-2018, 02:10 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Reindator! - by Younathan420 - 11-12-2018, 06:18 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Reindator! - by Predator! - 11-12-2018, 06:45 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Reindator! - by User 12049 - 11-14-2018, 05:04 PM

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