61 things i want to tell you
okay so this is mine

1. i dont like danish people

i dont like turkish people

i have a pc worth more than denmarks highest mountain

red is my favorite color

emil is my favorite dane

emils name is emil2205

my name on snapchat is sebasti161 if any girls want to come have a look ;))))

i am waiting for emil to eat while writing this and when he comes back we can play europa universalis 4 again

i am playing ottomans in the eu4 game

emil is the pussy playing great britain

my friend from walloonia is playing austria

foxrius is playing spain

i, as the ottomans, have invaded south-central italy

im currently planning my expansions into persia and india

i have the biggest army

im the greatest power

i have brown hair :)

i have two monitors

i have an iphone eight

i get 20gb mobile data a month for $25 per month

i am thinking about a woman that is naked right now

she is tied up and gagged

i dont have friends in the real world

nobody in the real world likes me

i just finished watching agent carter season 1 and 2

i just started watching iron fist season 2

i find emojis disgusting and i will at all times hit the "disable smilies" checkbox on every post

jackz got banned so he cant host the day of the dead event

i steal money from my sisters and my mother to go to the store to feed my chips addiction

currently my favorite chips flavor is salt and pepper

i dont like the "do you know the way" meme its so dead

i dont like dead memes

i am a meme activist

ive been permabanned 7 times from fearless roleplay services gaming limited interactive

i am writing this

my name is sebastian

im listening to spotify right now

the time is 21:03 as im writing this one

now its 21:04

im bored and i dont know what to write here

i got a 2 in math last year

im not bad at math

i got 5 on my written english exam last school year

i got 4 on my oral history exam last year

i have a rape fetish

i have a discord with 280 people

if you want to join my discord tell me

we play games

we talk and stuff too

no rules xd

i just started at a new school

ive added all the girls on facebook

jack petterson is my favorite 3d modeller

i am a proud sponsor of afinity stuidos

afinity studios is a game developing company

they make the best games

a bus card costs $40 a month

i have a bus card

i dreamt about soulripper answering me on steam once

he didnt actually do it in real life

61. i was sad for about 5 minutes after
The following 10 users Like sebasti161's post:
  • Emil, Foxirius2205, juicyorange, James, Random, Jessixa, Luna, Joulle, Envy, Wolven

Messages In This Thread
61 things i want to tell you - by sebasti161 - 09-08-2018, 07:09 PM
RE: 61 things i want to tell you - by Emil - 09-08-2018, 07:13 PM
RE: 61 things i want to tell you - by I_ARE_APPLE - 09-09-2018, 07:03 AM
RE: 61 things i want to tell you - by Santaliz - 09-09-2018, 08:31 AM
RE: 61 things i want to tell you - by Grunt - 09-09-2018, 09:34 AM
RE: 61 things i want to tell you - by Random - 09-09-2018, 10:13 AM

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