Report: <Fry,,[FL:RP] Enzyme>

Fry was ramming your car couple times, which is not allowed to be done on purpose or in excessive amounts.
Though in this case, it is not enough for a punishment.

For Harry, he was punching without a proper reason to do so, but again, a minor offense.

For Enzyme, IC he would not know if you were driving on the sidewalk or got rammed, so he had to believe one of the two stories he was told. In this case, it was dealt in-character and would have been better to deal in character, as there was no rule breaking from his side. 
[Image: 8TTYBHM.png]

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RE: Report: <Fry,,[FL:RP] Enzyme> - by TheSiphon - 08-25-2018, 03:11 PM

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