Unban request Husky Richard
Your name: Husky Richard

Your ban ID: 6718

Banned by: Nudelholz

Server: Both

Involved: Just me and Nudelholz

Why we should unban you: Well first of all i think this was all a big misunderstanding. So ill try to explain this. I was banned for using "SethHack" and the way the admin (Nudelholz) saw that was in a ban request that i had made for two monkeys messing around breaking rules. Now here is what is really going on or what has gone on with me as a player. I once did hack yes, but I have never ever never ever done that on either of Fearless's servers and i have never even done it on this account. On my old account i ust to play CSS and hacked on that, and i hacked on the RP server Noobonic Plague, but when i got vac banned i swore to never hack again and i stopped using them. I ended up making a new account (this one) and then i found fearless. I loved Fearless and i have always loved her admins. I have never ever broken a rule or anything. Now the problem was, that i had never uninstalled "SethHack" and so unknown to me there was a little icon in the top corner. I mean its not like the hacks are on right as you start up the game; you have to go into console or something and i don't even remember how. So i think this is a big misunderstanding, and i do blame myself for never uninstalling it. I have donated $150 to fearless and i love the server, between my girlfriend and football this is all i do. It doesn't make sense why i would make a thread of me hacking and then donate $150. I swear that i did not know that i had that installed and i swear i wasn't using it. I would think if i was using an aimbot that someone would of noticed and reported me. I have never broken a rule and am just a strict RP player, and i cant stand not being able to play on this server. I really hope you dicover the truth and realize that i havent done anything wrong and really I had just accidentally dug myself a hole. I am begging you that you unban me. Thanks for your time and sorry Nudelholz if i was kinda spamming you, i mean the message was 4 days apart but i dident want to like start begging. In case i dident express it enough, i understand that i should of uninstalled it, but i had no idea that it was still installed, and since there is no reason at all to even think that i would use it I dont think that there is a fair reasson for a ban. BUT i do understand that you are the admins and that your say is what goes and i fully respect that.

Messages In This Thread
Unban request Husky Richard - by killstar324 - 02-12-2012, 10:47 PM
RE: Unban request Husky Richard - by Nudelholz - 02-14-2012, 07:30 AM
RE: Unban request Husky Richard - by Droodra - 02-14-2012, 08:59 PM
RE: Unban request Husky Richard - by ForceGhost - 03-02-2012, 09:34 PM
RE: Unban request Husky Richard - by Killjoy - 03-02-2012, 11:39 PM
RE: Unban request Husky Richard - by Nudelholz - 04-03-2012, 07:14 AM

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