Report: Gonzipoliris / Mo / Born Has Lasaga
Name of player: Gonzipioliris / Mo / Born Ha Lasaga

SteamID: Gonzpoliris - STEAM_0:1:59581581 / Mo - STEAM_0:1:148775759 / Born Has Lasaga - STEAM_0:1:24096320

Time in GMT: Around 13:20 GMT +8 (something this time)

Server: V4B1

Summary: As Government worker i just followed Mr.President order which i didnt realise that he gonna prop fly me and i landed on top of nexus building.. There are three police officers doing props mingle which killing few citizens.. They punch me and push me from top of the building cause me dead..
Here the evidence..
Thank you..

[Image: jJtX9nT.png]
Thanks To MaxEvan For This Cute Signature Again!! 

Messages In This Thread
Report: Gonzipoliris / Mo / Born Has Lasaga - by Violet DE Kittie - 08-07-2018, 08:58 AM

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