Report: PR on Fierce

Concluding notes

As shown by the rule below : 2.5 Powergaming is not allowed, meaning you can't force people into situations, always try to do something, such as '/me tries to snap his arm' instead of '/me snaps his arm'. 

Also do not abuse something that gives you an advantage, such as changing jobs to buy something for yourself or switching jobs with the sole purpose of joining a raid.


Fierce after the raid continued to play with the China Mafia and therefor his sole intention wasn't to join for the purpose of the raid.

Adding to this, there was also an OOC reason as to why his job title wasn't the same and had this not occurred he would have been valid to take part in the raid anyhow. Due to this, I don't see this as powergaming as he didn't then change his job back once the raid was over and if the OOC situation hadn't of occurred he would still have been part of the China Mafia.

Messages In This Thread
Report: PR on Fierce - by Co0FiE - 07-22-2018, 04:59 PM
RE: Report: PR on Fierce - by User 12049 - 07-22-2018, 05:27 PM
RE: Report: PR on Fierce - by Panda - 07-22-2018, 05:29 PM
RE: Report: PR on Fierce - by Awestruck - 07-22-2018, 05:45 PM
RE: Report: PR on Fierce - by User 12049 - 07-22-2018, 06:14 PM
RE: Report: PR on Fierce - by Co0FiE - 07-22-2018, 08:09 PM
RE: Report: PR on Fierce - by Fro[Z]en - 07-23-2018, 03:56 AM
RE: Report: PR on Fierce - by User 12049 - 07-23-2018, 09:26 AM
RE: Report: PR on Fierce - by Fro[Z]en - 07-23-2018, 01:01 PM
RE: Report: PR on Fierce - by Co0FiE - 07-23-2018, 01:34 PM
RE: Report: PR on Fierce - by User 12049 - 07-31-2018, 04:47 PM
RE: Report: PR on Fierce - by Captain Barry - 07-31-2018, 04:48 PM

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