ban request marcotr
Name of player: (Who you want to be banned?) marcotr

SteamID: (What is the SteamID of the person?)


Time in GMT: (When did it happen?) 5 mins ago

Server: (On which of our servers did it happen? rp_EvoCity v2d or v33x?) v2d

Summary: (What happened?) he left to avoid arrest when he joined back we tazed him handcuffed him we figured this is allowed because he is the one breakign the rule so yeah. then he broke fear rp by running away. also i got tranqed twice randomly could you check logs and find out the person who did it to me they clearly were fail rping.

Evidence: (Try to get as much evidence you can get)
the loud guy you hear talking about guns was a friend on steam chat on another server.

sorry the video was so long.

at one point one guy even said he left to avoid arrest.

Messages In This Thread
ban request marcotr - by DarkSider - 02-10-2012, 07:24 AM
RE: ban request marcotr - by ForceGhost - 03-06-2012, 04:42 PM

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