PR :Spucky
Name of player: Spucky

SteamID: In screenshot or, STEAM_0:0:39766278

Time in GMT: Un-Known

Server: V2D

Summary: We all were hostaged, 2 officers and 2 security guards. We were there for 10 minuets and no one came to get us. Then there was a president that PMed one of the hostage takers and he came shortly after. The hostage takers ( David, Spucky, llias S.) 
let him in, and told him (TheManHimSelf) The price is 2k per hostage. He (TheManHimSelf) said, "Just out of Role-play, just out of character, you know if its a scam you can get banned right. So if I give you money (Unalienable)" (Keep in mind this is still OOC) "What the f*** are you saying? Are you f****ing dumb? Do you think we are f***ing, f***ing. Oh my god you are so dumb."  " You are so dumb what the f***." TheManHimSelf begins to speak in an differnt language but he says one word in english,'Scam'. After Spucky hears this, he immediately says. That's not going to be a scam you f***ing idiot" "Man you're f***ing, f***ing idiot." 


Messages In This Thread
PR :Spucky - by dtaylor331 - 06-28-2018, 04:38 AM
RE: PR :Spucky - by TheSiphon - 06-29-2018, 05:12 AM

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