Report: SpaghettiFTW, Weezy, Flame
Hi GamingOfficialZZ,

I will just tell my story:

An officer called something in which I did not hear clearly but Flame was near my and turned on his ELS so I followed him (I was in the blue charger). We arrived at your house and it became clear to me what the problem was your blocked windows. Yes, there were no laws against it, but before we raided you I saw something on your back so I said ''I think he's armed'', a other officer confirmed it that you had an AK-47 on your back. My actual reason to take you down was that you were armed and dangerous and showing a weapon in public.

About your base; It was not really doomfort-ish only that entrance was blocked by a prop where you could stand on. the rest of your base was a normal base.

you also said ''hello, can I help you with anything'', unfortunately, we or at least I did not hear that.

This won't help much but my apology for my unprofessional act. I acted on you being armed and things happened quite fast since you started to shoot at me.
Kind regards,

[Image: X8prSQG.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
RE: Report: SpaghettiFTW, Weezy, Flame - by Weezy_ - 06-16-2018, 12:12 PM
RE: Report: SpaghettiFTW, Weezy, Flame - by Tomo - 06-28-2018, 01:09 PM

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