Hacked by vaqxination and got me banned perma.
First off it doesn't say he is banned on the forums. If you search his steam name on the ban forums and its not there. Also this will click in your brain...Vaq was using an account played on Pro Fuzions IP and now it looks like he is a another account created by Vaq, BUT ITS NOT! If you check the recent IP's, this account was played 99% at a completely different ip and has been played at Vaqs ip for a very extremely short amount of time compared to the other one. Do you see what im trying to say? I don't know how we can actually GET proof i guess its only if the admins check the recent ips and what i said above. Also when this player is playing he NEVER uses sound boards and almost always talks, so you know its not the voice of Vaq. Unlike "Coko" he has been using soundboards,playing music, and typing all the time he will never speak.
He isnt taling for a reason. Last and final thing, this player has been playing FL long before "Coko" (Vaq) started playing FL so it cant be the same player AND they were on at the same time. Pro Fuzion (Indulge) and Coko are two completely different people. He made Indulge look like a 3rd account its a complete misunderstanding.

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RE: Hacked by vaqxination and got me banned perma. - by Bomber - 01-31-2012, 11:30 PM

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