Report: Grapefruit
Quote:I will repeat my points to make them clearer to yourself.
There is no reason to repeat your points. You made your point, which is in your opinion valid, but in my opinion not. That's the reason why I think we should just wait for an admin to decide, or we will keep talking in circles. 

But to make a final response to your reasoning, I'll give you a further explanation of my reasoning.

In your opinion it is fine to break FearRP after you got shot at by different police officers. But it is in my opinion necessary to keep the importance of the FearRP rule for the roleplaying experience in mind. The rules make no exception for your case, which is for a reason. It is a fundamental rule, that a person has to act scared when the risk exists that this person gets shot. Even a tough criminal, who came out of a raid and got into a totally different situation, should follow those rules. Otherwise that, in my understanding of roleplaying, would be a form of powergaming (by getting into some character that is not scared).

Quote:You can clearly see that I was not unarmed as I have an XM.
Correct. But you didn't have your weapon in your hands, so that's why I said you are unarmed. In the sense of the server rules, there is a distinction between having a weapon in your hands and carrying a weapon, but not in your hands. If you would have had your weapon in your hands, the order of my fellow officer would not have initiated a FearRP situation. But you didn't carry the shotgun in your hands.

In a real-life situation: two police officers with their weapons in their hands, running behind you vs. you - alone and carrying a shotgun on your back. What do you think would and should happen, if you were to take this shotgun from your back, while being ordered to stop? You would be shot before you got a change to even shoot. We, indeed, are not playing a game that equals real-life, but a semi-serious roleplaying game. But the FearRP rule is clearly a way to insert this fear into the game. Because without this rule, nobody would be scared under gun point, because you need many bullets to kill someone in this game. So without strict use of this rule, it would not be semi-serious roleplay, but rather not-so-serious roleplay.

Quote:I was also not vulnerable since I had a full team to assist me with this raid and had many health kits to protect myself with.
In my opinion this comment is slightly shocking, as it comes from a person with supposedly 1330+ hours of roleplaying experience. You were far away from your friends still and had your weapon at your back. You were even wounded, as you yourself stated. Yes, of course health kits play an important role in such situations, but listen up. In real-life/roleplaying, there is a high chance that one bullet is enough to kill, and a couple of bullets from two heavily armed policemen would certainly kill, hence why you are supposed to be scared of this. In the game, it usually takes way more than one bullet, that is for sure, but that does not justify the idea that you are in roleplaying not vulnerable, when faced with two policemen, because you have friends in the non-visible distance and health kits, nota bene in your inventory.

I now imagine the real-life situation of a man getting chased by the police, not afraid of getting shot, because he is not vulnerable, as 'he's got many health kits'. A joke. This, in combination with the fact that Grapefruit stated that FailRP does not apply, because we pointed slightly downwards, because of how the game works, and not straight at him, shows a lack of interest in and/or a lack of understanding of roleplaying. 

Apparently, in your opinion, the situation where a cop points a weapon at someone and tells this person to stand still, after which this cop for one second doesn't point straight at the man, because the cop walks with shift in-game or for whichever reason, is reason for this man to be allowed to take his own weapon, because 'the gun was not pointed straight at him, so FailRP does not apply'. 

If running in-game with a pointed gun (which then, solely because of the mechanics of the game) means that the gun is not dangerous and ready to shoot, then that would -- in my modest opinion -- cause big damage to the roleplaying experience.

Once again in conclusion, this man thinks he was not supposed to be scared of weapons, because he had a gunfight with different cops before that. This man thinks he was not supposed to be scared of weapons, because he had many health kits in his inventory. This man, therefore, has a lack of understanding of what the FearRP rule is supposed to mean for a roleplaying server. You didn't learn from your two previous bans for breaking FearRP.

Messages In This Thread
Report: Grapefruit - by DentedCrown - 03-20-2018, 06:43 PM
RE: Report: Grapefruit - by Grape - 03-20-2018, 07:06 PM
RE: Report: Grapefruit - by Grape - 03-20-2018, 07:21 PM
RE: Report: Grapefruit - by DentedCrown - 03-20-2018, 07:37 PM
RE: Report: Grapefruit - by Grape - 03-20-2018, 07:58 PM
RE: Report: Grapefruit - by DentedCrown - 03-20-2018, 10:10 PM
RE: Report: Grapefruit - by DentedCrown - 03-20-2018, 10:18 PM
RE: Report: Grapefruit - by Grape - 03-21-2018, 10:24 PM
RE: Report: Grapefruit - by Joe Joe - 03-22-2018, 12:21 AM

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