Disallow demoting a player while they are in current states
Title of suggestion: Disallow demoting a player while they are in current states

Description: If a leader of a job tries to demoted sombody while in a certain state, it will come up with an message saying something like "You cannot demote this play at the moment". This information would be OOC is prevent metagaming, using this information IC is metagaming.

These states that would prevent players from being demoted should be;
Tied up

Why: There is nothing worse then being demoted while your injured, unable to defend your self or respond to orders from your leader. It also is extremely annoying when your hostage is demoted, leaving you without a hostage. This would prevent players being removed from roleplay situations, eg hostage situations, unfairly and unrealistically.

Messages In This Thread
Disallow demoting a player while they are in current states - by Ethan Bradberry - 03-15-2018, 01:07 PM

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