Ask the person that has been ddosing fearless anything
LOIC wouldn't be able to take down a server with ~50 players on. This guy used an exploit in the COD4 servers (mainly) that allowed him to ping your server(s) using thousands of COD4 servers.

I don't approve of the motives. Let people run communities how they want to, yeah somebody gets banned, it's not your server and as such I feel you're overstepping your rights to try and make it a better place, especially through DDOS which could've left fearless owing money to their data center (some other user on facepunch forums owed a data center 15,000$ due to a DDOS).

You seem like a nice guy, however, keep that up.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ask the person that has been ddosing fearless anything - by QUAZI - 01-31-2012, 06:34 AM

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