Survey Results
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Survey Results

Greetings Fearless,

As promised, we are going to share some of the results of the survey we created at the start of the year. This enabled us to hear your thoughts directly, without any worry of it being altered, due to it being anonymous. We gathered an astounding 108 surveys and it has greatly allowed us to focus on what direction we would like to take Fearless in the current year and we believe we have already started to head in a positive direction.

To start off with, in regards to your feedback on our staff members. Out of respect, we are not going to overly praise any, nor are we going to list anything negative about them. What we are going to tell you is that we have took all of the criticism you have given to us about specific staff members and compiled a list for us to keep tabs on. We have also shown the staff members what was said about them only, we then asked them to write us a summary of what was said. This was to make them aware of anything wrong if they weren't already, so that they could be conscious of it and focus on improving. Of course without any evidence it would be unjust for us as Super Administrators to take action on behalf of what was said, but we've given them time to improve on what was said and if we feel as though the criticisms they received are not present then great and if they are there then action will of course take place.

In regards to transparency it seems that the majority of people did indeed like it, as to be expected. And that many were a fan of the new systems that were put in place. We are glad to hear this and was something we were eager to bring to you guys and we are always thinking of new information that has no reason to be private for the community. With this being said, although we would like to promise all the transparency in the world this simply is not going to happen. For instance, in regards to the Strike System, although the aim is to be more transparent and to feel more is being done with the AAs, a lot of the time you may see things such as 'Internal Case'. With these cases if the information as to what exactly caused the internal case was revealed then it could lead to sensitive information being released which caused harm them or Fearless as a whole. You may ask why we're so worried about so called things being 'leaked', well let's say we're investigating security issues, perhaps an exploit that has been found, if we were to release that information then it would likely equal to more people using that exploit, even if we were to warn people with punishments. Or lets say we're considering someone for the role of Trial Admin, that person would likely act completely differently and even if they weren't, they would likely have a lot of people harassing them. I could go into more detail on this however this point is getting too long.

In regards to events, many people seem to enjoy the frequent events that are hosted on the server and we have recently made it easier to host an event by shortening the guidelines that were previously in place. In regards to Admin hosted events, since Jonas' departure from the team we have assigned the new role to Janzo and we are confident in his ability to take on the role, he is known as a great role player in the community and even before he received any staff position he was hosting large events for many to enjoy. We are also looking at previous events that people enjoyed and are considering bringing them back, however we aren't making any solid promises on this front in case we are unable to deliver. Something that did cause quite a large amount of upset previously was passive night, a lot of people thoroughly enjoyed them and the role plays we saw which were hosted were absolutely amazing! With these being said, it seems the majority of the aggressive role players feel disregarded on this front. With this being said we are looking on really balancing things out to make sure all type of role players are happy, not too long ago we hosted a Purge event, which was a lot of fun and we're hoping to provide more things like this. The feedback for events was also given to the Event Managers so that they can get a better idea of how to move forward in the year.

  • Staff given their feedback
  • SAs keeping tabs
  • Transparency favoured
  • People enjoy frequent events
  • Aggressive role players feel disregarded
  • More work to be done on balancing out types of RP

In regards to Development, where we should put our focus as to be expected was an even split between all sorts of RP, whether it be aggressive, passive, government or otherwise in regards to whether or not any aspect was neglected, the general consensus was that we treated all aspects relatively well, with an equal distribution between all of them. As you will likely already know we closed down the suggestion sub-forum for the time being to focus on the suggestions that have already been approved, as well as the suggestions that were brought forward from this survey. The Development team were all given a list of your suggestions and concerns about development and they all took on board what the community had to say and all came to an agreement on what you had to say and are excited to release things you may have suggested, for you to enjoy. Going into further detail on the suggestion sub-forum, we were getting a large amount and so to control the situation and to get more 'approved' to 'finished' we felt like this was necessary, with this being said the suggestions forum will be making a return shortly and we have a lot of exciting stuff underway which I can't wait to share with the community. The newly assigned Clan Officers have also taken the initiative to ask for your feedback in regards to how you would like to see clans progress and they have taken that information and trying to do with it what they can to the best of their ability.

In regards to bug fixes, there isn't much to say on this front, our Developers have been hard at work trying to fix any bug fixes, especially with our new updates such as the Marketplace. The survey also brought attention to new things as well and we actively encourage everyone to report any bugs you find in the sub-forum, if you do happen to come across them. With the amount of updates it was to no surprise to us that the majority of players wanted 10 or more updates a year. This something we definitely hope to deliver and we've brought quite a lot already in the 1 and a half months we've had of the year already and as previously stated we've still got exciting things to come! With a large Development team we are confident that we will be able to provide you with amazing updates and we've even separated the News & Announcements and Updates so that none of them are buried under any staff announcements. In regards to overall satisfaction there seemed to be an even split, but we are confident that it will rise throughout this year if we continue to head in the route we're currently taking.

  • Even split wanted for all types of RP
  • People didn't feel too disregarded in regards to their type of RP
  • Suggestion forum closed for the time being
  • Developers we're given your feedback
  • New Clan Officers reached out for your suggestions
  • New bugs brought to light
  • Aiming for more than 10 updates a year, already on route
  • Even split amongst satisfaction

We know that the Teacher team is a topic of large debate, primarily on the forums. It seems like the thread in discussions regarding this survey was primarily focused on the position. We must say for the most part on the thread the people listing their opinions were either Teachers, or people who did not like the Teacher team at all. This isn't truly reflective of the feedback we received on the survey, as a majority of players would the Teacher team to be useful, half the community would consider applying and a majority of people were satisfied with the rank as a whole. With this being said, we can still understand the criticism people have for the position. It can be easily seen as a gateway to staff. We're not sure whether this has been publicly stated anywhere, but that simply is not the case. Although Teachers apply and then are discussed by the team, just because we think someone would make for a good Teacher, does not mean that we think they will be a good staff member. Being a staff member is so much more than having a good knowledge of the rules and although the Teachers are helpful, friendly and kind, they simply may not possess all the qualities that we are currently looking for. Of course it will give us a better idea of their knowledge of the rules from us spectating their help calls, but at the same time many people answer questions in out of character and it gives us the same idea. The reason for the rank in my mind, is to have 'role models' of the community, for people to have a question they might not be comfortable with asking, as well as having a reliable and trusted source. Although Staff members can fill that void, we are simply not available to be answering questions all the time when we are on the survey and Teachers are extremely helpful in this regard. It is important that you don't get me wrong here either, as not all role models will apply for the role, as they may not be interested in the role or like it themselves and in the same way that you may not see all the Teachers as a role model, but simply at the time of an individual making an application, the majority of the team feel as though they could hold such a title.

In regards to our Liaisons, we are confident in their ability and have brought a lot to the role already. They have been given all the information in regards to the Teacher team and they have also distributed some of that information to the Teachers as a whole, to give them a better idea of how to improve, as well as the Liaisons taking on board what you have to say and trying to make a difference in order to please more of the player base, as although we have a majority backing, we clearly still do not have everyone on board and they're actively aiming to change that and so we assure you that your very justified and strong opinions are not being ignored.

  • Majority found the Team to be useful
  • Half the community would consider applying
  • Teacher not a gateway to staff
  • Role is intended for role models and for people to have questioned answered by a trusted source.
  • Staff members aren't always on hand to answer questions
  • Liaisons were given the information and they relayed some to the Teachers.
  • Improvements still need to be made for the team, in order to boost satisfaction.

We apologise for this being later than anticipated, we wanted to ensure that we got it right. With the team we have at hand now, we are feeling more confident than ever moving into this year that Fearless is simply going to get better and better. We're thankful for your patience and your insightful opinions and we hope that we do not disappoint and feel free to discuss the results in the thread.

Many thanks,
Divey & Awestruck
Supervising Administrators

Messages In This Thread
Survey Results - by Divey - 02-16-2018, 12:47 AM
RE: Survey Results - by fieldy - 02-16-2018, 04:26 PM
RE: Survey Results - by DreeBott - 02-16-2018, 04:27 PM
RE: Survey Results - by Awestruck - 02-16-2018, 04:28 PM
RE: Survey Results - by Grape - 02-16-2018, 04:31 PM
RE: Survey Results - by Luna - 02-16-2018, 04:31 PM
RE: Survey Results - by Panda - 02-16-2018, 04:33 PM
RE: Survey Results - by Ratatoskrr - 02-16-2018, 04:35 PM
RE: Survey Results - by Marty - 02-16-2018, 04:50 PM
RE: Survey Results - by Create - 02-16-2018, 05:11 PM
RE: Survey Results - by Zona - 02-16-2018, 08:30 PM
RE: Survey Results - by Lewwings - 02-16-2018, 08:31 PM
RE: Survey Results - by Nephew - 02-16-2018, 09:33 PM
RE: Survey Results - by BasicallyMental - 02-16-2018, 09:54 PM
RE: Survey Results - by Jan - 02-16-2018, 10:36 PM
RE: Survey Results - by User 19014 - 02-16-2018, 11:54 PM
RE: Survey Results - by Falc - 02-16-2018, 11:59 PM
RE: Survey Results - by Divey - 02-17-2018, 12:17 AM
RE: Survey Results - by Falc - 02-17-2018, 12:38 AM
RE: Survey Results - by Richtea - 02-22-2018, 04:49 PM
RE: Survey Results - by JoshZ - 02-17-2018, 12:20 AM
RE: Survey Results - by King Kickass - 02-17-2018, 03:56 PM

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