Unban request on behalf of NEMxDman
I cannot confirm this as he personally asked me to make it for him, and I did not take it upon myself to make this. He has asked me a few times in the past to make an unban request for him as he is having problems getting into his forums account, and up until now I've told him there wouldn't be much point making an unban request as it would most likely get denied due to how recently he got banned, the fact the ban was permanent, and the reason for his ban. However the guy over the past few months has opened up to me and I did start to feel for the guy, and I honestly think he is ready to return to the community, however under very strict probation, with someone to sort of coach him into a better approach to the server, however I must say with the way he's been talking to me recently, it seems he intends to make a very good and careful approach never the less.

I understand what you mean when you say none of the stuff I have said is relevant to his ban, but with all due respect, I would have to disagree with you on that, because the stuff I brought up and mentioned was ultimately what was influencing his behavior on the server, which was mainly stuff that was going on outside of the fearless community. It was mainly stress and anxiety that he was making a poor attempt to vent out and distract himself from, which was being caused by upcoming mock exams I think or something along those lines, but since then he's gotten through them so for now, he would be fine on the server. I would also try to help him find better ways to deal with his stress rather than take it out on the server, because all I think he needed was someone on the server to talk to about his problems, and at the time of him being active, he didn't have any friends on the server.

I understand what I am saying doesn't explain and justify his actions in an "ipso facto" way if you will, but it does shed a bit of light on the subject, and shows that he didn't act badly on the server because of lack of roleplay knowledge or lack of respect, it was because of issues he was having in his own life which we can all admin we all have, but some on different levels than others, and we all deal with them in different ways. Unfortunately at the time of Nem's ban, he didn't have the tools to cope with these issues, and it's a fact when our stress and worries build up to a certain point and we don't find a good solution to fixing them, we act irrationally and stupid (well most of us do anyway). I for one can admit I do as well. I have acted poorly in some cases whether it was on the server or in other areas of my life.

My point is he shouldn't be kept punished for something he has done under these personal circumstances he was going through, he should be given a very strict chance to show that he can be a good member of the community. Keeping him banned isn't going to do anything, other than keep him waiting to show he can succeed on the server, so in my opinion, he should be unabanned under very strict probation and supervision, until he can show he's a trust worthy member of the community.

That's all I'm going to say now for this guy. I feel I've made my point with him, so please do make your decision, and do try to look at this from a empathetic person's perspective, as well as an admin's perspective. Once again, I fully understand if you think this guy needs more time away from the server to reflect on his actions so he when he does come back he will have a better frame of mind which I have to admit would also be another good approach.

Thanks again for reading, I didn't intent for this reply to be so long Tomo xD. Just give it bit of thought because the guy really is ready and willing to make a change, and most importantly he wants to. He knows what he did was wrong and he's sorry. Lets move forward.
[Image: jck7EJ6.png]

Messages In This Thread
RE: Unban request on behalf of NEMxDman - by Tomo - 02-02-2018, 02:59 PM
RE: Unban request on behalf of NEMxDman - by Knightley - 02-02-2018, 04:25 PM
RE: Unban request on behalf of NEMxDman - by Tomo - 02-04-2018, 01:13 PM

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