Ask the person that has been ddosing fearless anything
Lol? You can't be serious flame.. He's Booting us, and you expect me to be nice about it. Being nice I him won't help, at least we can be honest about what we think of him. I find it insulting that he destroys other people's fun by DDoSing. What' even worse? He's waiting Soul's time and money. How many firewalls, host changes, re-setting up the server have there been? You're buying that crap about booting because of the unfair bans? Ofcourse it's BS. Why would he purchase a booter, if he didn't have selfish use intended? You think he spent money to boot you for a ban? No. Be logical, he's seeking attention, and obviously is very active on the server.

@OP: Reveal your FL profile like a man.

FYI: I have not insulted him once. I simply stated my opinions on himself. You must be a saint, if you consider that an insult. But I still don't support being nice to him.
Sk1d = Script Kiddie. Not an insult, it's the truth. He's using a host booter, which is a script. He thinks he's a h4x0r when he does not know what he's talking about.

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RE: Ask the person that has been ddosing fearless anything - by Tank - 01-25-2012, 10:24 PM

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