Ask the person that has been ddosing fearless anything
You cause quite a stir in the community with your DDOSing. I've figured that you're in the UK since sometimes when I stay up all night, not a DDOS in sight. Which is the only time I feel really safe enough to do anything. I guess for one point, you do kind of cut down on the contrafarming for everyone, but it's not really something to be proud of.

As a donator, I do feel saddened by the amount of times the server has been down, and how frequent. I understand you are not the only one DDOSing, but I do wish for you to stop doing so. I mean, you have done enough damage in my opinion. I'm not sure of what your goals are still. From what I feel, I believe your goal is something to do with so many people being banned, and you are taking your anger out on people. Heres the thing though, some people have left because of the DDOSing, which upsets me.

I like this community, and I'm here to stay, despite the DDOSing. There are others that are paying for your mistakes however, which I feel is unnecessary. Can't you just forgive and forget? It would really be nice if you could. Yes, I am angry, as are most of the people in the community, but I and the rest of the community would be very grateful if you were to refrain from DDOSing us in the future.

Thank you for reading.

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RE: Ask the person that has been ddosing fearless anything - by Interknet - 01-24-2012, 03:12 PM

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